西南石油大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2018, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 87-92.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2017.11.25.01

• 政治与法律 • 上一篇    下一篇


李复达1, 文亚运2   

  1. 1. 澳门城市大学商学院, 澳门 999078;
    2. 湖南省宁乡市检察院, 湖南 宁乡 410600
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-25 出版日期:2018-03-01 发布日期:2018-03-01
  • 通讯作者: 文亚运(1990-),男(汉族),湖南长沙人,检察官,硕士,研究方向:刑法学。
  • 作者简介:李复达(1990-),男(汉族),湖南吉首人,博士研究生,研究方向:宪法学与行政法学。

A Discussion on the Measure of Detention in the State Supervision Law——A Perspective of In-advance Intervention of Procuratorates

LI Fuda1, WEN Yayun2   

  1. 1. Faculty of Business, City University of Macau, Macao, 999078, China;
    2. Ningxiang County Procuratorate, Ningxiang Hunan, 410600, China
  • Received:2017-11-25 Online:2018-03-01 Published:2018-03-01

摘要: 《中华人民共和国监察法(草案)》的出台反映了反腐倡廉将由党内党纪处理逐步迈向国家法律层面,表明了党中央将反腐败斗争进行到底以及全面推进社会主义法治国家建设的决心,而监察法草案中规定的留置措施则是目前社会与学界争论的焦点。目前监察委改革已是势在必行,而留置措施的实施与完善还面临同宪法和相关法律法规匹配与协调的问题,这注定是一个漫长的过程。利用检察机关提前介入留置措施是处理、保护公民相关基本权利与强化对监察机关的监督,防止改革过犹不及的一种可行手段。实施这一措施,既可维持现有监察改革局面不动摇,又可充分发挥其调查职权犯罪的作用,还能防止监察委对留置措施的滥用。

关键词: 《中华人民共和国监察法(草案)》, 监察机关, 检察机关, 提前介入, 留置措施

Abstract: The promulgation of the Supervision Law(Draft) reflects that the anti-corruption campaign will gradually develop from Party discipline to an endeavor at the level of the state law, indicating the Party Central Committee's determination to fight against corruption and to comprehensively push forward the construction of socialist state ruled by law. The measure of detention stipulated in the Supervision Law(Draft) is the focus of debate in both society and academic circles. At present, the reform of the supervision commission is imperative. However, the implementation and improvement of the measure of detention require the coordination with the Constitution and relevant laws and regulations, which is bound to be a long process. Therefore, we propose the use of the in-advance intervention of procuratorates which is a viable means to deal with and to protect the basic rights of citizens and strengthen the supervision of the supervisory authority itself to prevent the reform from going to an extreme. The implementation of this measure can not only maintain the current inspection and supervision reform but also give full play to its role of investigating crimes of authority and prevent the abuse of the measure of detention.

Key words: the state Supervision Law(Draft), supervisory organ, procuratorate, in-advance intervention, the measure of detention
