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非物质文化“申遗”与文化重构#br# ——以云南弥渡花灯为例#br#


  1. 大理大学经济与管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2017-03-01 修回日期:2017-03-17 出版日期:2017-07-15 发布日期:2017-07-15
  • 作者简介:李刚,副教授,博士,主要从事旅游管理、遗产旅游和非物质文化遗产保护研究.
  • 基金资助:

Study on Declaration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural Reconstruction#br# ——A Case Study on Yunnan Midu Huadeng Opera#br#

Li gang#br#   

  1. College of Economics and Management, Dali University
  • Received:2017-03-01 Revised:2017-03-17 Online:2017-07-15 Published:2017-07-15

摘要: “申遗”是我国非物质文化遗产保护的一项重要举措,也是一种从上而下的制度安排,目的是唤起全民保护非物质文化

关键词: 非物质文化, &ldquo, 申遗&rdquo, 制度, 弥渡花灯, 文化重构

Abstract: The declaration of intangible cultural heritage is an important measure for the protection of Chinese intangible cultural
heritages, and also a kind of institutional arrangement from the top down so as to arouse the national consciousness and actions of
protecting intangible cultural heritage. The system of declaring intangible cultural heritage is an actual generative mechanism of public
culture, and the process of declaration is also the process of transforming intangible culture from folk culture to public culture. Viewed
from the point of declaration of Midu Huadeng opera and the process of Midu Huadeng cultural reconstruction, there are a lot of
problems in the system concerning evaluation standards, declaration procedure, folk participation, assessment system and so on.
Solving these problems can inspire people's enthusiasm of protecting intangible cultural heritage and cultivate people's cultural
consciousness, and its effectiveness can be played fully in Chinese intangible cultural heritage protection.

Key words: intangible culture, the system of declaring intangible cultural heritage, Midu Huadeng Opera, cultural reconstruction