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人类学视野下的清真寺聚礼仪式研究#br#        ——基于顺城清真寺的田野调查


  1. 云南民族大学法学院
  • 出版日期:2017-11-15 发布日期:2017-11-15
  • 作者简介:马海云,讲师,博士,主要从事民族法学、法律人类学、法律社会学研究
  • 基金资助:

An Anthropological Study on the Rite of Jumah in Mosques: Field Work in Shuncheng Mosque

  1. Law School, Yunnan Minzu University
  • Online:2017-11-15 Published:2017-11-15

摘要:       每周五在清真寺内举行的聚礼是伊斯兰教宗教生活中日常且重要的一项宗教仪式,它对于穆斯林个体和社群都具有多元化的意义。聚礼仪式不仅可以强化穆斯林的信仰,也是穆斯林感受和表达内心体验的有效途径。更为重要的是,透过聚礼仪式,可以实现穆斯林社群的聚合,在社会中凝聚一种持久的团结。

关键词: 人类学, 聚礼, 仪式, 穆斯林

Abstract:        The rite of Jumah held in mosques every Friday is a usual but important part in Islamic religious life. It has multidimensional  significance to Islamic individuals and groups. It not only strengthens the religious faith, but is also an effective way for  Muslims to feel and express inner experiences. More importantly, through thisrite Muslims can be united as a group with a long-lasting
cohesive power.

Key words: anthropology, Jumah, rite, Muslim