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云南双江傣族饮食文化观研究#br#       ——以傣族谚语为视角


  1. 滇西科技师范学院文学院
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-08 出版日期:2017-11-15 发布日期:2017-11-15

A Study on the Dai Ethnic Dietary Culture from the Perspective of Dai Proverbs#br#

  1. School of Liberal Arts, Dianxi Science and Technology Normal University
  • Received:2017-05-08 Online:2017-11-15 Published:2017-11-15

摘要:       谚语是语汇的重要构成元素,云南双江傣族是一个历史悠久、文化发达、语言优美的民族。双江傣族谚语内容广泛,且富于哲理性和知识性,双江傣族人民也十分重视谚语的教化作用,因此,以双江傣族谚语中的饮食文化为切入点,从谚语的角度来探究傣族的饮食文化观,具有一定的启发意义。

关键词: 双江, 傣族, 谚语, 饮食文化

Abstract:        Proverbs are an important constituent of vocabulary. The Dai people in Shuangjiang County of Yunnan Province is an   ethnic minority group with a long history, splendid culture and a beautiful language. Local Dai proverbs have rich content with  philosophical and intellectual significance. Dai people in Shuangjiang also attach great importance to the educational functions of   proverbs. Therefore, studying the dietary culture embedded in Shuangjiang proverbs is of certain enlightening  significance for revealing   Dai people's food culture.

Key words: Shuangjiang, Dai people, proverbs, dietary culture