J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (4): 30-34.

• 物理学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.北京科技大学冶金与材料史研究所,北京 100083;
    2.大理学院,云南大理 671003; 3.保山市博物馆,云南保山 678000
  • 出版日期:2011-04-01 发布日期:2011-04-01
  • 通讯作者: 李晓岑,教授,博士,电子邮箱:lixiaocen@163.com
  • 作者简介:巢云霞,硕士研究生,主要从事冶金科技史研究.
  • 基金资助:


Scientific Studies on the Bronze Swords Unearthed in the Ancient Ailao Region in Yunnan Province

In order to study the production process of the bronzes in the ancient Ailao area,several samples of bronze swords from Warring States to the W estern Han Dynasty were selected,which were unearthed in the Baoshan,western Yunnan.The samples were analyzed by the metallographic microscope and SEM.The results showed that these swords were made of copper—tin alloy,and the production processes were classified in two types:cold working after casting and cold working after hot forging.Coated iron process was utilized in one sword produced by cold working after casting,the shape of this sword was much different from the others,which means that the production processes of the bronze swords varied widely and the swords belonged to different periods and different ethnic artisans. This paper was valuable for the study of metal technology in ancient Ailao area and the technical and cultural exchanges of ancient Ailao area with surrounding areas.   

  1. 1.Institute of Historical Metallurgy and Materials,Beijing University of Science and Technology,Beijing 100083,China;
    2.Dali University,Dali,Yunnan 671003,China; 3.Baoshan Museum,Baoshan,Yunnan 678000,China
  • Online:2011-04-01 Published:2011-04-01



关键词: 古哀牢地区, 青铜剑, 科学分析


In order to study the production process of the bronzes in the ancient Ailao area,several samples of bronze swords from Warring States to the W estern Han Dynasty were selected,which were unearthed in the Baoshan,western Yunnan.The samples were analyzed by the metallographic microscope and SEM.The results showed that these swords were made of copper—tin alloy,and the production processes were classified in two types:cold working after casting and cold working after hot forging.Coated iron process was utilized in one sword produced by cold working after casting,the shape of this sword was much different from the others,which means that the production processes of the bronze swords varied widely and the swords belonged to different periods and different ethnic artisans. This paper was valuable for the study of metal technology in ancient Ailao area and the technical and cultural exchanges of ancient Ailao area with surrounding areas.

Key words: ancient Ailao region, bronze sword, scientific analysis
