J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 24-27.

• 经济社会发展 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 大理学院政法与经管学院,云南大理 671003
  • 收稿日期:2012-12-06 出版日期:2013-05-15 发布日期:2013-05-15
  • 作者简介:李刚,讲师,主要从事旅游管理、遗产旅游和非物质文化遗产保护研究.

Study on the Market of Tourism Performing Art in Yunnan Province

  1. College of Politics, Law, Economics and Management, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China
  • Received:2012-12-06 Online:2013-05-15 Published:2013-05-15



关键词: 旅游演艺市场, 问题, 未来发展, 云南


The market of tourism performing art has played an active and important role in the process of constructing the great province of ethnic culture and the strong province of tourist economy in Yunnan province. It will be of great advantage for the sustainable prosperity and development of Yunnan tourism performing art market on the discussion of its development process, prosperous reasons, existing problems and future development road combining with the development status of the market of tourism performing art of other parts of the country in recent years.

Key words: market of tourism performing art, problems, future Development, Yunnan province
