J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 57-59.

• 临床医学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.大理学院保山附属医院,云南保山678000;2.腾冲县人民医院,云南腾冲679100
  • 收稿日期:2014-02-25 出版日期:2015-02-15 发布日期:2015-02-15
  • 作者简介:杨之兰,副主任医师,主要从事神经电生理及临床研究.

Comparison between Routine Electroencephalogram and Ambulatory Electroencephalogram in
Convulsions during Sleep

  1. 1. Affiliated Hospital of Dali University in Baoshan, Baoshan, Yunnan 678000, China; 2. People's Hospital of Tengchong County,
    Tengchong, Yunnan 679100, China
  • Received:2014-02-25 Online:2015-02-15 Published:2015-02-15


目的:比较睡眠中抽搐(含睡眠+清醒抽搐)患者常规脑电图(REEG)和24 h动态脑电图(AEEG)检出痫样放电及痫性放
电率,从而指导临床医生选择脑电图检查方法。方法:常规脑电图组(I组)268例,描记清醒期30 min,动态脑电图组(II组)103
例(其中75例由I组检查阴性转至),描记包括清醒期和睡眠期在内的24 h脑电图,统计两组的痫样放电率及痫性放电率并进
(12.62%)。结论:动态脑电图组痫样放电及痫性放电率明显高于常规脑电图组(P <0.01),睡眠中抽搐(含睡眠+清醒抽搐)患
者行24 h动态脑电图检查明显优于常规脑电图检查。

关键词: 抽搐(睡眠中), 常规脑电图, 动态脑电图


Objective: To compare routine electroencephalogram (REEG) and 24 - hour ambulatory electroencephalogram
(AEEG)in convulsions during sleep(including convulsions during sleep and when awake), detect epileptiform discharges and
epileptic discharges and instruct clinicians to determine the kind of EEG. Methods: REEG(Group One) was used to record
electroencephalogram of 268 cases awake, AEEG(Group Two)was used to record 24-hour electroencephalogram of 103 cases during sleep and when awake , 75 cases of whome had been in Group One and transferred to Group Two after being examined negative.Epileptiform discharges and epileptic discharges of the two groups were compared. Results: 56 cases(20.90%)with epileptiform discharges were found in Group One and 73 cases(70.87%)with epileptiform discharges were found in Group Two. 3 cases(1.12%) with epileptic discharges were found in Group One and 13 cases(12.62%)with epileptic discharges were found in Group Two.Conclusion: Epileptiform discharges and epileptic discharges in AEEG were remarkably higher than in REEG (P<0.01). For convulsions during sleep(including convulsions during sleep and when awake), 24-hour AEEG was better than REEG.

Key words: convulsions during sleep, routine electroencephalogram, ambulatory electroencephalogram
