J4 ›› 2016, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (8): 8-.

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Study on the Preparation of Artemether Colon-specific Pellets and the Release in Vitro


  • Published:2016-08-25


〔Abstract〕Objective: To prepare Artemether colon-specific pellets controlled by pH and study the release in vitro. Methods: The
cores of pellets were made by extrusion-spheronization. Pellets were prepared using a fluid bed coater , with Eudragit S100 as the out
layer, triethyl citrate added to the dispersion as the plasticizer. Results: Artemether was not detected in solution of pH 1.2 for 2 h. The
accumulative release in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer for 4 h was smaller than 5%. While the accumulative release in the pH 7.6 phosphate
buffer for 3 h was more than 90%. Conclusion: Colon-specificpellets prepared in this way can well perform colon-specific delivery.

Key words: 〔Key words〕Artemether, pH controlled, colon-specific, release in vitro

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