Journal of Dali University

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On the Sense of Belonging and Lament of the Rise and Fall in Jiang Kui's Ci

Li Shibai, Luo Jinfang   

  1. College of Chinese Language and Literature, Yunnan Normal University
  • Received:2016-10-28 Revised:2016-12-27 Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-03-15

Abstract: Jiang Kui, a Ci poet of Southern Song Dynasty, had a rootless lifetime. He found a different path to Ci writing, with an
atmosphere of elegant Ci beyond description. The personal wishes and strong sentiment of returning to hometown inherit style of Du
Fu's poetic history, expressing the love story and feelings to country and home of wandering Ci poet in war times of south Song Dynasty.
Researching the special sense of belonging and its emotional roots will contribute to understand Jiang Kui and his Ci and the tough
road to literature of wandering literati through the ages deeply, which is also a meaningful subject to study the cultural connotation of
Chinese ancient poetry.