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 A Review of the Ideological and Political Education Discipline Construction of Zhang Yaocan

 Jian Ruili, Hu Chun   

  1.  Dali University
  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15
  • Supported by:

Abstract: The construction of Ideological and Political Education Discipline has always been a key point in the research of Professor
Zhang Yaocan. His research results in Ideological and Political Education have a great effect in this field. But his important academic
views scatter in a number of books and academic papers. Gathering the relevant research literatures comprehensively and reviewing
and summarizing his theory viewpoint and academic ideas from nine aspects from the construction of ideological and political education
discipline for the first time will provide some reference to this profession and the discipline. 


Key words:  Zhang Yaocan, Ideological and Political Education, discipline construction, review

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