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 On Xia Mianzun's Chinese Reading Education Thoughts

 Ji Anqing   

  1.  College of Chinese Language and Literature
  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15
  • Supported by:

Abstract:  Reading plays a decisive role in a person's knowledge structure, spiritual growth and life scene. During the period of the
Republic of China, the arguments about Chinese reading education was very hot because of the transition from classical Chinese to
vernacular Chinese, traditional education to modern education. Hotly debated issues were whether to read in classical Chinese or
vernacular Chinese? To study application text or literary works? To read silently or out aloud? and so on. Xia Mianzun not only had
deep and high-level thoughts on these questions, but also formed his own Chinese reading education theories, such as reading both
Chinese and western books, adapting ancient forms for present-day use, realizing life fusion, developing ability, multiplex symbiosis,
and reading between the lines, etc. He has left precious spiritual wealth for the modern Chinese reading education.


Key words:  , read extensively and apply frugally;enrichment of life;development ability;non-utilitarian reading

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