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 An Exploration of the Totems of Zhou Tribes with the Surname Ji and its Marriage

 Fu Xiliang   

  1. Inner Mongolia Normal University
  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15
  • Supported by:

Abstract: The surname Ji is the family name of both the rulers of Zhou Dynasty in Chinese history and the ancestor of Huaxia — the
Yellow Emperor. Inspecting the tribal totems of Zhou Tribes with the surname Ji is of great importance to get to know the origin of Zhou
Tribes, the early Zhou history and Huaxia formation history. With respect to the tribal totems of Zhou Tribes with the surname Ji,
predecessors put forward quite many views that include bears, turtles, millet and earthworms etc. which are sort of reasonable but
contain huge one-sidedness. Starting from the auspicious sign during Emperor Wu of Dynasty's crusade that is claimed by Zhou
Dynasty, this paper ascertains that the tribal totem of Zhou Tribes with the surname Ji is a kind of red bird-Chiwu, also known as
Yuezhuo. Judged from the document like <The Book of songs·Daya·Shengmin>, the tribal totem which has marriage link with Zhou
Tribes with the surname Ji are cattle, sheep, snakes and fish.


Key words:  Hou Ji, Chiwu, Yuezhuo, Jun Bird, PangHuang, WeiYi

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