Journal of Dali University

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Postmodernism and Chinese Minority Literature Studies

Zhang Yonggang   

  1. Qujing Normal University
  • Received:2017-10-26 Online:2018-01-15 Published:2018-01-15

Abstract: Re-studying the research status of minority literature is an important way to understand the development of minority
literature and even the entire Chinese literature. The study of Chinese minority literature at the turn of the century is closely related to
western postmodernism. The influence of the latter on the former mainly reflects in the following aspects: profound changes have taken
place in the concept of minority literary theory; the awareness of minority nationalities has been highlighted in the theoretical field of
vision; the individualized writing of ethnic minority writers has been acknowledged; the literary language problems of ethnic minorities
have drawn wide attention. The impact shows both positive and negative value orientations. To draw more positive factors from
postmodernism and avoid its negative effects, we must fully follow the basic cultural requirements of a unified multinational nation and
uphold the Chinese perspective and the reality of China.

Key words: minority literature, research status, postmodernism, influences