Journal of Dali University

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An Analysis of the Doctoral Program in the Nanzhao and Dali Periods


  1. Development Research Center of Sichuan Old Revolutionary, Sichuan University of Arts and Science
  • Received:2017-10-09 Revised:2018-01-21 Online:2018-07-15 Published:2018-07-15

Abstract: Influenced by the Tang and Song cultures, during the Nanzhao and Dali periods, there was also a title for a doctor, which
was found in handed down classics and unearthed cultural relics. Compared with the Ph.D. in the Tang and Song dynasties and the
Dunhuang posthumous writings, the nature of the degree can be roughly determined. It can be divided into two categories: professional
doctors and academic doctors. The nature of Confucian "five schools" during the Nanzhao and Dali periods is analyzed as well.

Key words: Nanzhao and Dali periods, Doctoral degree, professionals, five schools