›› 2019, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (8): 73-75.

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The Weak D(Rh(D)u)Phenotype Distribution of Voluntary Blood Donors with Rh(D)-Negative Blood by
Screen Testing in Dali Prefecture

He Yongxun, Wang Hua, Hong Fen, Ye Wenhua, Du Yue'e, Zhang Linli, Liang Yanjiao   

  1. (Centre Blood Station of Dali Prefecture, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China)
  • Received:2018-03-02 Revised:2019-03-10 Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-08-15


Objective: To understand the distribution of IgG anti-D-positive among voluntary blood donors with Rh(D)-negative
with screen testing in Dali Prefecture. Methods: IgM+IgG anti-D serum were used to test voluntary donors blood samples from January
2009 to July 2014. 241 Rh(D)-negative donors were preliminary screened as negative samples from 153 826 donors, and Rh(D)
phenotype were further tested with three different batches of IgG anti-D serum. Results: 11 samples were tested as weak D serological
phenotype(Rh(Du)). The proportions of weak D phenotype among the voluntary blood donors of all nationalities were 0.010% in the
Han nationality, 0.004% in the Bai nationality, and 0.005% in the Yi nationality. No weak D phenotype was detected in other
nationalities because of the small number of people. Serological phenotype included CcDuee, ccDuee, CCDuee, and ccDuEe. The
Distribution of ABO blood type of weak D phenotype donors was B>O>A>AB. Conclusion:Among the Rh(D)-negative voluntary
blood donors in Dali Prefecture, there are donors with weak D phenotype in varying degree.

Key words: blood donors, Rh(D)-negative, weak D phenotype

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