Journal of Dali University

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History, Culture and Contemporary Inheritance of Natural Marble Pictures

Li Ming, Yang Qinyan   

  1. Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China
  • Received:2019-06-04 Online:2019-09-15 Published:2019-09-15

Abstract: Cangshan marble mining began in the Tang Dynasty, became famous in the Song Dynasty, and was called Gongshi(royal
tribute)at the time. The Ming Dynasty was the most prosperous period of mining marble. The "Dragon and Phoenix Stone", which is
now embedded in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, is the oldest Cangshan marble picture. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, more
marble picture collectors and cultural celebrities emerged. Marble pictures were comprehensively summarized and appreciated with
high theoretical standards and artistic levels, which can provide references for contemporary marble collectors. In 2019, marble
pictures were honored in the Great Hall of the People, symbolizing the recognition and love of the central government and people of the
whole country for the rare works of marble pictures. We must cherish this hard-won honor and promote the sustainable and healthy
development of the marble picture art industry.

Key words: natural marble pictures, stone culture in the past, contemporary inheritance and rejuvenation