J4 ›› 2012, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (8): 11-15.

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A Cultural Anthropology Exploration of Bai KU Yao's Maternal Worship in Guangxi and Guizhou


  1. Liuzhou Teachers College, Liuzhou,Guangxi 545004, China
  • Received:2012-05-10 Online:2012-08-15 Published:2012-08-15


Maternal worship has always been common fork-custom in the long history of human development, and the consciousness of maternal worship is regarded as a common and indispensable plot. This consciousness of Bai Ku Yao (It's a branch of Yao in which adult man has knee-length white trouser) in Nandan county of Guangxi province, has its own unique cultural expression, especially the birth custom that people consecrate the stone Guangxi and Guizhou broder reproductive totem, the marriage custom that a young man should have priority to marriage to his aunt's daughter, the social convention that young men and women may keep an intimate relationship with others before marriage, the dress custom that women have Gua Yi(This kind of coat is made of two pieces of cloth) in summer, and the dress is decorated with the symbol 卍.

Key words: Bai Ku Yao, maternal worship, cultural anthropology, exploration

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