J4 ›› 2012, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (11): 60-64.

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Root of Alienation from Philosophical and Biological Perspectives

Alienation characterized the contradiction and opposition between practice subject and object target of the targeted
practice activities in different forms in ancient Greece, medieval and modern times. Alienation is manifested as the enslavement and control of the creation of subject onto the subject, the creation as such restrains the free will of the subject. Alienation urges man to reflect upon the fundamental reason or source that causes alienation when alienation presents itself as a general social phenomenon in every social field. It's imperative to anatomize the source of alienation, social and biological reasons of alienation. The research of alienation source is highly significant because it allows us to see through the social and historic conditions on which alienation exists, and it helps us understand the influence of human practice on alienation. Finally, it promises the highest essence of man as human being, that is, the free and overall development of human.   

  1. School of Humanities, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China
  • Received:2012-05-07 Online:2012-11-15 Published:2012-11-15


Alienation characterized the contradiction and opposition between practice subject and object target of the targeted
practice activities in different forms in ancient Greece, medieval and modern times. Alienation is manifested as the enslavement and control of the creation of subject onto the subject, the creation as such restrains the free will of the subject. Alienation urges man to reflect upon the fundamental reason or source that causes alienation when alienation presents itself as a general social phenomenon in every social field. It's imperative to anatomize the source of alienation, social and biological reasons of alienation. The research of alienation source is highly significant because it allows us to see through the social and historic conditions on which alienation exists, and it helps us understand the influence of human practice on alienation. Finally, it promises the highest essence of man as human being, that is, the free and overall development of human.

Key words: alienation, root of alienation, labor, free and overall development of human

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