J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6): 85-89.
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Basic Architectural Design II is a required basic course of architecture majors. It is to cultivate the students' basic design ability and practical ability in theory and practice teaching. Learning is the center of curriculum design and is running through the whole teaching with different design projects. Through the teaching reflection, we are trying to summarize the teaching content, methods, and the stimulation of students' motivation, and to improve the teachers' and students' ability of teaching practice in the professional courses, and to promote course teaching reform and improve the quality and efficiency of study.
Key words: architecture, Basic Architectural Design II, teaching design, teaching reflection
CLC Number:
Yang Rongbin, Tan Yue, Ping Zhiyong, Hu Dan. Teaching Reflective of Teaching Design of Architecture Foundation Course Basic Architectural Design II[J]. J4, 2015, 14(6): 85-89.
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