J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (10): 6-8.

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Influence of Pu'er Tea Water Extracts on Artificial Caries Microhardness


  1. College of Pharmacy and Chemistry, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China
  • Received:2015-05-14 Online:2015-10-15 Published:2015-10-15


Objective: To study the influence of the chemical composition of Pu'er tea on the hardness of the artificial caries.
Methods: Put the bovine-cut-enamel into the demineralization solution pH=4 to remineralization to formulation artifical tooth decay.
Select 72 demineralization bovine teeth, which hardness is about 310 kg/mm2, and put them into 12 groups in random: 20 mg/L NaF
group(positive control), deionized water group(negative control), and 96 mg/mL, 48 mg/mL, 24 mg/mL, 12 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL cooked
tea group as well as raw tea groups same concentration as above. Use microhardness meter measure the hardness date of the cattle
incisive after be handle by different solutions and observe the vary date of the microhardness of the surface enamel before and after
remineralization. Results: The enamel demineralization samples were 96 mg/mL raw tea group, 48 mg/mL raw tea group, 24 mg/mL
raw tea group, 96 mg/mL cooked tea group, 48 mg/mL cooked tea group, 20 mg/mL NaF group, after treatment, each group enamel
hardness mean value was significantly higher than the baseline (P<0.05). After remineralization between groups, a high concentration
of raw tea and cooked tea was not statistically significant between group and group (P>0.05). Conclusion: High concentrations of raw
tea and cooked tea extract on enamel demineralization of bovine incisors were significantly promote remineralization and no significant
difference(P > 0.05), but not as good as remineralization 20 mg/mL NaF(P<0.05).

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