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Cultural Block in Promoting Energy Saving and Emission#br# Reduction Strategies

Zhong Shilian   

  1. The Propaganda Department of Party Committee of Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering,Chongqing,402260,China
  • Online:2015-09-17 Published:2015-09-17


When China is experiencing a new normal of economic development,its environmental capacity is reaching the
ceiling. Promoting energy saving and emission reduction is not only the key to the transformation of economic development but
also the strategic choice to maintain energy security and improve the environment capacity. However,due to the influence of
cultural factors,there exist many cultural blocks in the process of promoting energy conservation and emission reduction which
prevent the realization of the strategic goals of energy saving and emission reduction. From the cultural perspective,the present
paper analyzes the factors restricting energy saving and emission reduction,and suggests restoring the commodity property of
energy so as to promote the transformation of energy consumption structure. In order to promote the smooth transformation
of economic development pattern,it is also important to educate the public on energy conditions and ecological morals to
strengthened its consciousness of energy saving and energy contract. Other energy saving and emission reduction efforts should
include reducing the dependence of resource-based cities on resources,advancing the transformation of geographical culture,
and stimulating government bodies and enterprises to save energy and reduce emission more actively through the top-down
policy design.

Key words: energy saving and emission reduction, the new normal of economic development, cultural block, energy culture,
energy consumption structure

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