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Consumer Rights and Interests Protection in Internet Social Network Shopping: Difficulties and Countermeasures

ZHU Jingjie   

  1. School of Economic Law,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120,China
  • Online:2016-01-01 Published:2016-01-01

Abstract: In Internet social network shopping,consumer purchase goods via the Internet social network platform. This new type of shopping is characteristic of low operating costs,specific consumer groups,and is becoming popular quickly. Due to the lack of relevant laws and effective supervision,and the particularity of Internet social network shopping,consumers’right to know and to regret,their right to fair dealing,and even their personal rights are often violated. The author therefore suggests that terms about Internet social network shopping should be added to the existing laws and regulations on consumer rights and interests,that supervision mechanism should be designed and supervision departments’responsibility be clarified,and that a third party platform should be introduced and a real-name registration system be implemented. We believe the above measures will promote consumer rights and interests protection in Internet social network shopping.

Key words: Internet social networking platform shopping, consumer rights and interests, right to know, right to fair dealing, right to regret

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