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The Present Situation of Modern Agricultural Science and
Technology Innovation in China and Countermeasures

REN Xiu-mei   

  1. School of Marxism,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou  Fujian 36300,China
  • Online:2013-09-01 Published:2013-09-01


Agriculture is the foundation of the development of national economy,and we must rely on scientific and technological innovation to promote the development of agricultural modernization in China. Starting from the theoretical basis of modern agricultural science and technology innovation,we discussed the current situation of the development of modern agricultural science and technology innovation in China. The analysis shows that there still exist many restricting factors to agricultural science and technology innovation in spite of rapid development in recent years. So we hold that to realize agricultural science and technology innovation it is necessary to adhere to the principles  of sustainable development,the principle of combining high and new technology and traditional one,and to the principle of combining the introduced technology and the existing technology. In addition,we must increase government financial investment,improve farmer quality,establish agricultural science and technology demonstration garden,cultivate leading enterprises and promote agricultural industrialization in order to promote the modern agriculture innovation system.

Key words: agricultural science and technology innovation, principles of agricultural science and technology innovation, agricultural science and technology innovation direction, agricultural science and technology innovation strategy, transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements