西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 155-162.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.16745086.2016.10.18.01

• 石油与天然气工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


曾杨1,2, 张烈辉3, 康晓东1,2, 谢晓庆1,2   

  1. 1. 海洋石油高效开发国家重点实验室, 北京 朝阳 100027;
    2. 中海油研究总院, 北京 朝阳 100027;
    3. “油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室·西南石油大学, 四川 成都 610500
  • 收稿日期:2016-10-18 出版日期:2017-10-01 发布日期:2017-10-01
  • 作者简介:曾杨,1987年生,女,汉族,四川广安人,工程师,硕士,主要从事油气田开发及提高采收率相关研究工作。E-mail:261058662@qq.com;张烈辉,1967年生,男,汉族,四川仁寿人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事油气渗流理论、油气藏工程及数值模拟等领域的教学和科研工作。E-mail:zhangliehui@vip.163.com;康晓东,1978年生,男,汉族,河南许昌人,高级工程师,博士,主要从事油气田开发及提高采收率相关研究工作。E-mail:kangxd@cnooc.com.cn;谢晓庆,1982年生,男,汉族,河南南阳人,高级工程师,博士,主要从事油气田开发及提高采收率的相关研究工作。E-mail:xiexq@cnooc.com.cn
  • 基金资助:


Well-testing Interpretation Model for Strip Reservoirs with Finite Diversion Faults

ZENG Yang1,2, ZHANG Liehui3, KANG Xiaodong1,2, XIE Xiaoqing1,2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil Exploitation, Chaoyang, Beijing 100027, China;
    2. CNOOC Research Institute, Chaoyang, Beijing 100027, China;
    3. State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China
  • Received:2016-10-18 Online:2017-10-01 Published:2017-10-01
  • Contact: 曾杨,E-mail:261058662@qq.com



关键词: 有限导流断层, 界面表皮, 压力动态, 条带状油藏, 试井模型


At present, well fault seal analysis tests are mainly focused on closed faults. When using the existing well test interpretation model to explain oil and gas well-test data with non-closed faults, especially with a finite diversion fault boundary, the results are not ideal. By introducing the concept of interfacial skin, a new model of well-test interpretation with a finite diversion fault in stripe reservoirs was established. The model considers not only the fluid passing through the fault plane, but also the flow of fluid in the fault. The Fourier cosine transform, Laplace transform, and other mathematical physics methods were used to obtain the bottom hole pressure equation. The bottom hole stress response curves of the model were plotted, and there were seven flow stages. The results show that the larger the FCD value, the more concave the curve. The larger the S value, the more convex the curve; when the S value is sufficiently large, characteristics of a closed fault are demonstrated. ηfD mainly affects the amount of decrease in the pressure derivative curve. The fluidity ratio, thickness ratio, and pressure derivative coefficient ratio mainly affect the increase and decrease in the pressure derivative curve.

Key words: finite diversion fault, interfacial skin, pressure dynamic, stripe reservoir, well test model
