J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 65-66.

• 临床医学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 大理学院大理教学医院,云南大理 671000
  • 收稿日期:2012-07-15 出版日期:2013-03-15 发布日期:2013-03-15
  • 作者简介:杜桂英,副主任医师,主要从事消化内镜的诊断与治疗研究.

Clinical Application of Single - Person Operation Colonoscopy

  1. Dali Teaching Hospital of Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China
  • Received:2012-07-15 Online:2013-03-15 Published:2013-03-15


目的:探讨结肠镜单人操作的方法与临床运用。方法:对5 752例结肠镜检查者采用结肠镜单人操作。结果:5 752例单人
结肠镜检查,成功到达回盲部5 435例,成功率94.48%,检出病灶者763例,占13.26%,并发肠穿孔1例。结论:结肠镜单人操作是安全、省时、省力、痛苦较小、成功率高的检查方法,值得基层医院推广运用。

关键词: 结肠检查, 结肠镜, 单人操作, 并发症


Objective: To explore the method and clinical application of single-person operation colonoscopy. Methods:5 752 cases were examined by single-person operation. Results: Among these 5 752 cases, there were 5 435 whose examination arrived at ileocecus. The success rate was 94.48%. 763 cases were with focal symptom; 1 case with intestinal perforation. Conclusion: Single-person operation colonoscopy is a method with advantages of safety, saving time and labor, less-pain, and high rate of success, which is worth popularizing among grass-roots hospitals.

Key words: examination of the colon, colonoscope, single-person operation, complication
