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基于标记性假说留学生多义副词理解难度研究#br#        ——以“才”和“就”为例#br#  


  1. 大理大学文学院暨对外汉语教育学院
  • 收稿日期:2017-08-25 出版日期:2017-11-15 发布日期:2017-11-15
  • 作者简介:薄巍,讲师,博士,主要从事第二语言习得、国际汉语教学研究.
  • 基金资助:

A Study on the Acquisition of L2 Chinese Adverbs Based on Markedness Hypothesis:Cai and Jiu as an Example#br#

  1. College of Literature and International Chinese Language Education, Dali University
  • Received:2017-08-25 Online:2017-11-15 Published:2017-11-15

摘要:         输入是二语习得的首要环节,输入理解难度直接影响到“可理解性输入”。基于标记性假说,通过限时语法知识判断测试手段,考察副词“才”和“就”在“表时间”和“表关联”语义上的输入理解难度。研究结果表明,无标记性“就”的输入理解难度小于有标记性的“才”,同时影响这两个副词的二语发展,但“才”和“就”两者在“表时间”语义上没有理解难度的差异,两者“表关联”语义的理解难度存在显著差异。从习得发展来看,受理解难度影响,副词“就”的二语发展要好于副词“才”。

关键词: 输入, 理解难度, 汉语二语, 才,

Abstract:          Input is the initial stage of L2 acquisition, and the difficulty of input directly impacts on the comprehensibility of input.Based on Markedness Hypothesis and with the method of timed Grammatical Judgement Test, this paper investigates the input  difficulty of Cai and Jiu as related to their semantic meanings in expressing "time" and "relations". Results show that unmarked Jiu  has less input difficulty than marked Cai, and at the same time the L2 acquisition of these two adverbs are influenced. Cai and Jiuh as no difference in the comprehensibility when expressing the concept of time, but are significantly different when expressing relations. As   regards to the development of L2 knowledge, acquisition of Jiu is better than that of Cai because of the better input comprehensibility.

Key words: input, comprehensibility, L2 Chinese, Cai, Jiu