
• 马克思主义理论-哲学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河北外国语学院国际金融学院,石家庄 050000
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-02 修回日期:2017-12-18 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2018-05-15
  • 作者简介:韩策,助教,主要从事思想政治教育、逻辑与决策管理研究.

On Logical Reasoning Problem in Decision-Making

  • Received:2017-10-02 Revised:2017-12-18 Online:2018-05-15 Published:2018-05-15

摘要: 逻辑推理贯穿于整个建立在对将来的所有可能的后果进行缜密的权衡基础上的决策思维活动中,彰显基础逻辑推理理论的作用价值意义。将决策问题的逻辑推理研究,回归于最基本的逻辑推理问题,把关注点放在逻辑推理与生活中的实际决策上。在决策与逻辑推理相互的内在关系上,始终融贯着最基本的普通逻辑意义下的推理思维形式。本文研究科学决策过程中应用的逻辑推理,以反面的典型案例进行逻辑分析评价研究,从中找到逻辑推理对决策失误进行制约的规范性准则,找到避免失误的方法等,体现着一种回归实践的实务创新。

关键词: 决策, 推理问题, 论证问题

Abstract: This paper studies the logic of reasoning throughout the decision-making activities based on the careful weighing of all possible consequences for the future,highlighting the value of the role of basic logic inference theory. The study of logical reasoning of decision-making problems is returned to the most basic problem of logical reasoning, and the focus is on logical reasoning and the actual decision-making in life. In the relationship between decision-making and logical reasoning, we always adhere to the most basic form of reasoning in common sense. This paper studies the logical reasoning applied in the process of scientific decision-making,conducts the logical analysis and evaluation research with the typical examples of the negative, finds out the normative criteria that the logical reasoning controls the mistakes in decision- making, and finds the way to avoid mistakes. This article shows a practical innovation in return to practice.

Key words: decision-making, reasoning problem, argument problem