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  1. 文山学院人文学院,云南文山663099
  • 收稿日期:2017-08-25 修回日期:2017-09-10 出版日期:2018-07-15 发布日期:2018-07-15
  • 作者简介:牟成刚,副教授,博士,主要从事汉语史和汉语方言学研究.
  • 基金资助:

A Preliminary Study on the Evolution and Causes for the Voiceless Fricative Middle Ancient Chinese#br# RI Initials in Jianchuan Dialect

  1. School of Humanities, Wenshan University, Wenshan, Yunnan 663099, China
  • Received:2017-08-25 Revised:2017-09-10 Online:2018-07-15 Published:2018-07-15

摘要: 中古日母在今剑川方言中读清擦音s母,这相对于汉语绝大多数方言读浊擦音?/z母的情况来看,它显然发生了清擦

关键词: 剑川方言, 中古日母, 清擦化, 演变

Abstract: In Jianchuan dialect, the middle ancient Chinese RI initials are voiceless fricative. Compared to the voiced fricative ?/z
initials in most Chinese dialects, it clearly has evolved toward voicelessness. The internal cause for this evolution is that the devoicing
of the voiced sounds and the isolation and instability of RI initials in the sound system determines the changeability of RI initials. The
essential external cause for the evolution is that Bai people has long been the majority of the ethnic groups in Jianchuan, and there is no
voiced ?/z initials but voiceless s initials in Jianchuan Bai language, which has made the local Chinese phonology align with it.

Key words: Jianchuan dialect, RI initials, voiceless fricative, evolution