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  1. 云南大学旅游文化学院,云南丽江674199
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-02 出版日期:2020-06-15 发布日期:2020-06-15
  • 作者简介:曹冲,讲师,主要从事体育教学与民族传统体育研究。

Revival and Cultural Reproduction of Erhai Osprey Domestication and Hunting Activities

  1. (Tourism and Culture College of Yunnan University, Lijiang, Yunnan 674199, China)
  • Received:2019-04-02 Online:2020-06-15 Published:2020-06-15

摘要: 为了更好地促进我国传统体育活动的现代传承与创新性发展,以大理洱海鱼鹰驯养捕鱼为主要研究对象,通过文献资

关键词: 鱼鹰捕鱼, 传统狩猎活动, 文化复兴, 文化传承, 文化再生产

Abstract: In order to better promote the modern inheritance and innovative development of traditional sports activities in China, this
paper takes the domestication and fishing of osprey in Erhai region of Dali as the main research object. Through literature research,
field visits and interviews, etc., from the perspective of cultural revival and cultural reproduction, this paper analyzes the process of the
reproduction of Dali Erhai domesticated osprey fishing culture to achieve its contemporary revival. This paper discusses how the
thoughts, attitudes and behaviors of the holding group in the historical changes of the domestication and fishing of the Erhai osprey, and
how to form the impetus and effective mechanism of cultural reproduction. The development experience of the Erhai osprey
domesticated fishing enlightens us: for a nation, the internal driving force of its traditional sports culture reproduction is the cultural
awakening of the group that holds the culture; its external driving force is the strengthening of inheritors′ participation in institutional
construction. The driving forces of these two aspects are unified and work together to promote the transformation of its ontology to the
direction of cultural productivity.

Key words: osprey fishing, traditional hunting, cultural revival, cultural heritage, cultural reproduction