大理大学学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (9): 41-.

• 马克思主义理论-哲学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (大理大学民族文化研究院,云南大理 671003)

  • 出版日期:2022-09-15 发布日期:2022-10-19

A Restricted View on the Thoughts of the Taiping Tao Ideal

  1. (National Culture Research Institute, Dali University, Dali 671003)

  • Online:2022-09-15 Published:2022-10-19

摘要: 太平道作为道教早期形态,其核心社会理念即在建立“太平之世”。在其经典《太平经》问世之后,不同历史时期演化出了实现这种社会理想的两种截然相异的执行主体即,“青领太平道”与“黄天太平道”。通过对现存文献的梳理,可窥探出在“太平”的核心理念指导下,无论“青领太平道”以辅佐汉室为方法的扶国救民,还是“黄天太平道”以颠覆王朝为手段的改天换地,都是对着东汉末年充满苦难的社会现实的回应。尽管二者采取了不同的实践方针,但其思想本质则殊途同归,均反映了当时社会背景下人们对美好生活的朴素向往。

关键词: 太平道, 太平经, 理想社会


The Taiping Tao, as one of the original forms of Taoism was to create a "Taiping" (peaceful state) in the world. With the advent of its classic Taiping Scriptures, two distinct execution subjects that pursued this social ideal had evolved at different times, namely the "Qingling Taiping Tao" and the " Huangtian Taiping Tao". By combing the existing literature, we can see both two sects under the guidance of the core principles of the Taiping Scriptures were products of social existence, whether it is the "Qingling Taiping Tao" that supplemented the Han Dynasty's to help the country and the people, or the "Huangtian Taiping Tao" that tried to subvert the Dynasty. Both of them were repondings to the social reality full of suffering in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Although the two sects adopt different methods of practice, they are essentially pursuing the vision of the "Taiping"(peaceful state) in the world as expected in the Taiping Scriptures.

Key words:

Taiping Scriptures, Taiping Tao, Taoist Identity, Ideal Society