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 The Distribution of "Aspects" in Woni Dialect of Hani Language and the Typological Characteristics

 Yang Yan, Guo Huajun   

  1.  1.Yuxi Normal University; 2. Yuxi Normal University
  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15
  • Supported by:

Abstract:  There are some grammatical devices to express aspect category in Woni dialect of the Hani language. Some aspect
markersresult from grammaticalization of verbs, and some result from particles. This is conformed to the origins of aspect markers of
other analytical languages. However, the extent of grammaticalization of these aspect markers in Woni dialect is quiet different. Some
are with a higher extent of grammaticalization, and it is difficult to find their origins; some are still keeping the features of content
words. This indicates not only the evolution characteristics of languages, but also analytic evolution process of Woni dialect. In
languages of Tibeto-Burman Group, the ways that "aspects" are constructed, features of word order and the origins of aspect markers
are presenting typological characteristics.


Key words:  Woni dialect, aspect;grammaticalization

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