J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (12): 82-88.

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Preliminary Study on Phylogeny of Parnassia L. Based on ITS Sequences


  1. (College of Agriculture and Biology Science, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China)
  • Received:2015-03-30 Online:2015-12-15 Published:2015-12-15


Three phylogenetic trees were constructed with different methods to analyze the reliability of the classification system of
genus Parnassia using ITS gene sequences from 30 species. Meanwhile, the genetic relationships of P. viridiflora vs. P. trinervis; P.
pusilla vs. P. chinensis; P. chinensis vs. P. cacuminum also have been analyzed in this paper. The results showed that Bayesian
Inference(BI)tree has the highest stability in topology and the reliability of the classification system of genus Parnassia has been
proved with molecular data. The above three species pairs showed very high genetic relationships, P. viridiflora and P. trinervis with
99.1%, P. pusilla and P. chinensisbut with 96.7%, P. chinensis and P. cacuminum with 99.06% ITS sequences homolog. However, with
the exception of pair P. chinensis and P. cacuminum, both of the other two pairs showed different morphological traits. In this study, the
potential reasons for the morphological variances have been discussed. More detailed phylogenetic and morphological analysis would
help to figure out the relationships among these species precisely.

Key words: genetic relationship, classification system, homology, continuous variation

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