
Table of Content

    15 December 2015, Volume 14 Issue 12
    Exact Solutions of Two(2+1)-dimensional Long Water Wave Equations
    Zhan Yu, Hu Jiayuan
    2015, 14(12):  1-6. 
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    On the basis of the homogeneous balance principle, the exact solutions of(2+1)-dimensional dissipative long wave
    equation and the(2+1)-dimensional dispersive long wave equation are studied with the aid of Mathematica software. Moreover, by
    generalizing the form of quasi-solution, new exact solutions of two long wave equations are obtained, and the structure and properties of
    these solutions are more comprehensive than the conclusions in relevant literature.

    Design of a Novel Miniaturized Loading Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna Based on LTE
    Zhang Mei, Liu Jijiao, Feng Libo
    2015, 14(12):  7-11. 
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    For the working frequency of LTE(2.57~2.62 GHz), based on the rectangular microstrip patch antenna, a novel
    miniaturized loading slot microstrip patch antenna through opening four curved slits on the patch and loading two wide band 0.75 mm
    square ring metal sheet at 1 mm above the patch has been obtained. And, the microstrip patch antenna has been modeled and
    simulated by using the Ansoft's HFSS 3D electromagnetic analysis software. Then, the size, the S-parameter diagram, the pattern and
    the VSWR of the slot antenna and the novel loading slot antenna have been compared. The simulation results show that the novel
    loading slot microstrip patch antenna can achieve the miniaturization without compromising the performance of the antenna, and it's
    has good practical value.

    An Intelligent Scenic Spot Information System Integrate with Various of Functions
    Yang Haichao, Deng Chaoqing, Guo Rui
    2015, 14(12):  12-16. 
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    Based on Internet of Things and mobile computing technology,a high integrated intelligent information system with self
    help scenic spot guide,information acquisition, environment data perception and the other functions together is developed to meet the
    requirement of tourists for receiving personal intelligent information service in scenic spots. This paper introduces the structure of the
    system, designs a smart hardware device of scenic spot based on Arduino, implements the platform-crossing APP of smart phone with
    embedded software and the server software system based on the model of finite state machine.

    Strategy Analysis of Random Drawing Question of One Certain Online Examination System
    Si Biao
    2015, 14(12):  17-21. 
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    Based on Java object-oriented technology, this paper discusses the strategy of random drawing question of one certain
    online examination system. Through the means of logical design, procedures implementation, data sampling and sample analysis, this
    paper deduces more applicable random drawing question elements and puts forward the effective strategies.

    Multi-constrained Routing Algorithm Based on Variance of Fine Particle Swarm Optimization
    Ma Gang
    2015, 14(12):  22-25. 
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    The mathematical variance measures the relationship of different distances between a data and the data collection central
    value. Inspired by this relationship, the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm will be improved, the excellent particle group
    will be picked out as the next generation of particles, and routing algorithm based on an excellent particle swarm optimization algorithm
    will be designed. This algorithm inherits the traditional algorithm, and improves the convergence rate and reduces the computational

    Zero-Watermarking Visual Cryptography Algorithm Based on MSB
    Li Chunyan
    2015, 14(12):  26-29. 
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    The existing zero- watermarking visual cryptography algorithms breaks down the carrier image and then combines
    watermark information to create zero-watermark with copyright identification. This method can enlarge the range of the interference
    points in the image to reduce the quality of the extracted watermark. This paper proposes a zero-watermarking visual cryptography
    algorithm based on MSB(Most Significant Bit). This algorithm first breaks down the watermark image by visual cryptography, and then
    the decomposed shadow images can be combined into a combination image of the same size of the carrier image. Last, this combination
    image is compared with the MSB of the carrier image, and the result is marked with a zero distance matrix. This matrix is the key to
    detect the watermark. In this paper, the stability of MSB and the characteristics of visual cryptography have better performance in
    attack resistance, and the simulation experiment results show that this algorithm has strong robustness against conventional image
    processing and geometric attacks.

    Study on Improving the Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells by Combined Annealing
    Mu Liping, Hu Yongmao
    2015, 14(12):  30-34. 
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    Organic solar cells with the structure of ITO/PEDOT: PSS/P3HT+PCBM/LiF/Al were prepared and the device performances
    under different annealing conditions were studied. The result showed that ① the devices performed better when annealing after 50
    minutes in the temperature range of 140-160 ℃ than those in other annealing temperature range. The optimal device showed a short
    circuit current density and energy conversion efficiency was 6.57 mA/cm2 and 2.12% respectively; ② when 150 ℃ annealing temperature
    was chosen, the devices showed a better performance from 40 to 60 minutes than those in other annealing time. The top short circuit
    current density and energy conversion efficiency reached 6.608 mA/cm2 and 2.13% respectively; ③ when the optimal annealing time
    and temperature were adopted based on ① and ②, the short circuit current density and energy conversion efficiency of the optimal
    device were obviously improved to 7.22 mA/cm2 and 2.33%respectively. Annealing under combination conditions was an effective
    approach to device optimization.

    Application of Grey Correlation Method in the Comprehensive Evaluation of Earthquake Disaster
    chen li
    2015, 14(12):  35-38. 
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    Based on the disaster data of Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and 8 disaster indexes, the comprehensive analysis is
    conducted on 36 serious disaster-stricken counties and cities with grey correlation method. Firstly, these correlation degree evaluation
    values of 36 counties and cities are obtained through the analysis of grey correlation method. Secondly, according to the evaluation
    values and equalization values, these 36 counties and cities are ranked and classified in accordance with disaster severity. The study
    results are reasonable and practical, and can provide the theoretical basis for the disaster evaluation of Wenchuan earthquake.

    Research on PPI Network Motif Based on CyClus3D Clustering Algorithm
    Pu Enlu, Zhang Mengjiao, Zhang Junpeng*
    2015, 14(12):  39-42. 
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    To study the interactions between proteins, the 3D spectral clustering algorithm in Cytoscape(CyClus3D)is applied to
    identify the network motifs of integrated protein-protein interaction(PPI)networks, including Human Protein Reference Database
    (HPRD), Human Interactome Resource(HIR), and Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets(BioGRID)databases.
    Then, enrichment analysis of GO(Gene Ontology)biological process and KEGG(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)
    pathways in the sub-networks formed by network motifs is conducted. The results show that network motif could simplifythe analysis of
    PPI networks, and could focus on analyzing key proteins.

    Research on Phylogenetic Analysis and Feature Selection Based on HBV Sequence
    Xie Zuoxiang, Chen Xia, Zhang Junpeng*
    2015, 14(12):  43-46. 
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    Hepatitis B Virus(HBV)infection is a global health problem and each HBV genotype has its unique feature. 10 patients
    HBV sequences are used to study the evolutionary relationship and the process of mutation base of HBV on the sequence level.
    Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis(MEGA)software is firstly applied to make multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic
    analysis for HBV sequences. Then, Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis(WEKA)software is applied to conduct feature
    selection for HBV sequence. The results show that the phylogenetic trees can accurately predict genotypes of 7 patients HBV
    sequences. Furthermore, feature selection can improve the accuracy of classifiers.

    Research and Implementation of Flashlight Power Supply
    Wu Nianxiang
    2015, 14(12):  47-50. 
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    SC91F721 microcontroller, as the control core of the flash power supply, raises the low DC input voltage by using current
    mode chopper circuit to supply power to microcontroller, and stabilizes the output current of the switch control circuit by the metaloxide
    semiconductor. Using the feedback output current of the sampling circuit, the output Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)signal and
    the constant current source control circuit are effective. The experimental results show that the converter can realize two kinds of output
    mode: continuous and pulse, battery power conversion to constant current output, high brightness white light emitting diode, current
    profile selection, output voltage limiting protection and overload alarm function. The relative error is less than 1.5% and the efficiency
    is 91.8%, which can meet the requirement of constant current power supply.

    Study on Nitrogen-doped Titanium Dioxide's Degradation of Nirogen Pollutants in Water with Visible
    Light Photocatalysis
    Zhang Yao, Li Lihui, Yan Ya*
    2015, 14(12):  51-55. 
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    Objective: To investigate the degradation activity of nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide to the Nitrogen pollutants with
    visible light photocatalysis. Methods: Nitrogen- doped titanium oxides(N- TiO2)with different amounts of N were prepared via hydrothermal method by using thiourea as nitrogen source. The structure and morphology of N-TiO2 were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction(XRD)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM)respectively. The visible light photocatalysis activities of the N-TiO2 series samples were evaluated by the degradation of rhodamine B in aqueous solution, and the nitrogen pollutant degradation activity of the optimum N-TiO2 on the nitrogen pollutants were explored by using acephate as the nitrogen model pollutant. Results:The visible light photocatalysis activity of TiO2 was enhanced when appropriate amount nitrogen was doped into TiO2, and 1.0% N-TiO2 showed the highest visible light photocatalysis activity. The total nitrogen can be degraded from class Ⅳ water quality to class Ⅱ water quality after 4 hours' visible light irradiation using 1.0% N-TiO2 as the photocatalyst. Conclusion: Nitrogen-doped titanium oxide can degrade nitrogen pollutants in water effectively under visible light irradiation.

    Teaching Reform and Practice in Experiment Course of Food Chemistry
    Fu Xiaoping, Huang Aixiang, Li Lingfei, Gao Bin, Gong Jiashun*
    2015, 14(12):  56-58. 
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    Experiment course of Food Chemistry, one major foundation course of Food Science and Engineering major, and Food
    Quality and Safety major, plays a significant role in students' practical exercise. The teaching reform and exploration of experiment
    course of Food Chemistry greatly motivate students' learning passion, improve the teaching quality and the active learning, which
    achieves excellent practical teaching effect.

    Bioinformatics Analysis of Mitochondrial Transcription Termination Factor DmTTF Protein in
    Drosophila melanogaster
    Xiong Wei, Zhang Xiaojuan, Zuo Shaoyuan, Zhang Haiyang, Feng Muhua
    2015, 14(12):  59-63. 
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    Objective: To analyze the structure and function of mitochondrial transcription termination factor DmTTF protein in
    Drosophila melanogaster based on bioinformatics method. Methods: Based on the amino acid sequence of mitochondrial transcription
    termination factor DmTTF protein in D. melanogaster from FlyBase database, the protein physicochemical property, hydrophilicity/
    hydrophobicity, subcellular localization, secondary protein structure, protein domain, protein tertiary structure, protein- protein
    interaction, as well as the protein evolution relationship of different species were analyzed by using different bioinformatics software.
    Results: The mitochondrial transcription termination factor DmTTF protein consists of 410 amino acids, the estimated theoretical
    molecular weight and is oelectric point were 48.3 kDa and 9.62 respectively, which belong to the MTERF protein superfamily without
    transmembrane region, and it is a hydrophilic protein. The main composition of the DmTTF protein secondary structure were α-helix
    and random coil, showed similar result with protein tertiary structure whose spatial structure and the coverage of template protein
    3mvb.1.A was 74.0%. Proteins that interact with DmTTF were mitochondrial transcription factors or mitochondrial respiratory chain
    proteins. DmTTF protein in D. melanogaster and encoded homologous protein in Musca demestica and Anopheles darlingi showed highly
    homology. Conclusion: DmTTF protein in D. melanogaster contained the typical structure of mitochondrial transcription termination
    factor protein family, which might involve in the transcription regulation of mitochondrial gene of D. melanogaster.

    Study on Identification of the Microbial Strain for Transforming Puerariae Radix and Its Microbial
    Song Yanqiu, Chen Youwei
    2015, 14(12):  64-68. 
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    A strain of filamentous fungi which was able to transform the active ingredient in Puerariae radix was obtained in microbial
    transformation experiments and named YM3207. After observing and analyzing the morphology and ITS sequence of this fungi, it was
    identified as Monascus purpureus. HPLC was used to analyze the change of transformation column. The content of Genistein and
    Puerarin have been improved. At the same time, antibacterial activity enhanced and antimicrobial spectrum expanded as well.

    Diversity and Floristic Composition of Flora of Seed Plants in Motuo Region in Southeast Tibet
    Yang Ying, Feng Jianmeng
    2015, 14(12):  69-74. 
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    The analysis of flora diversity and floristic composition are of great significance to understand floristic origin and
    distribution. On the basis of plant distribution data at large scale, this paper examined the plant diversity and floristic composition in
    Motuo region in Southeast Tibet at the family and genus level, respectively. The results showed that the studied area harbored a total of
    1 049 species of seed plants, subordinated in 512 genera, 128 families. The studied area may be one of the plant diversity centers in the
    Tibet region, with only 2.6% of the total land area. Flora at the family level showed strong tropical traits, while we observed significant
    floristic transition at genus level. This vast contrast of proportions of temperate and tropical elements may be on account of the different
    geological histories reflected by floras at families and genus level and the uplift of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It's also found that compared
    with Southwest Yunnan regions, Southeast Yunnan regions and South Yunnan, flora of Gongshan regions in Northwest Yunnan showed
    much stronger associations with the floristic composition and origin in the studied area.

    Floristic Geographical Elements of Seed Plants in Nepal and Its Biological Significance
    Wang Jie, Xu Chengdong, Feng Jianmeng
    2015, 14(12):  75-81. 
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    On the basis of plant information at large scale in Nepal, this paper discussed the floristic geographical elements of seed
    plants and plate belonging. The results showed that 4 870 species of seed plants belonging to 1 403 genera and 221 families of seed
    plants were found in Nepal. At genus level, the largest proportion of the distribution type was the pantropical distribution elements
    (T2)which was about 17.18%, followed by north temperate elements(T8), holding 14.75%. At the family level, tropical floristic
    element was the major part which was about 68.77%, while the temperate floristic element was only about 23.97%. At the family or
    genera level, the seed plant flora of the region was mainly tropical floristics element. However, from family level to genus level, the
    proportion of tropical elements decreased from 68.77% to 51.60%, which might be related to the uplift of Himalayan and the reduced
    ambient energy caused by the collision of the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate.

    Preliminary Study on Phylogeny of Parnassia L. Based on ITS Sequences
    Bai Mengyan, Li Yaru, Zhu Qiongjie, Ye Chengchao, Liu Shuoran*
    2015, 14(12):  82-88. 
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    Three phylogenetic trees were constructed with different methods to analyze the reliability of the classification system of
    genus Parnassia using ITS gene sequences from 30 species. Meanwhile, the genetic relationships of P. viridiflora vs. P. trinervis; P.
    pusilla vs. P. chinensis; P. chinensis vs. P. cacuminum also have been analyzed in this paper. The results showed that Bayesian
    Inference(BI)tree has the highest stability in topology and the reliability of the classification system of genus Parnassia has been
    proved with molecular data. The above three species pairs showed very high genetic relationships, P. viridiflora and P. trinervis with
    99.1%, P. pusilla and P. chinensisbut with 96.7%, P. chinensis and P. cacuminum with 99.06% ITS sequences homolog. However, with
    the exception of pair P. chinensis and P. cacuminum, both of the other two pairs showed different morphological traits. In this study, the
    potential reasons for the morphological variances have been discussed. More detailed phylogenetic and morphological analysis would
    help to figure out the relationships among these species precisely.

    Detection and Analysis of PM2.5 Concentration on Ancient Town Campus of Dali University
    Tang Shuangyun, Wu Ronghua, Yang Binghua, Xie Yong
    2015, 14(12):  89-92. 
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    The PM2.5 concentration distributions data on ancient town campus of Dali University shows that the PM2.5 concentration of
    the whole campus, except the Second Students Canteen, is lower than the National Primary Standard. The PM2.5 concentration of the
    Second Students Canteen is higher than the primary standard only at rush hours, but still lower than National Second Standard. It's
    found that the emissions near the canteen and the poor air circulation contribute to the increase of the PM2.5 concentration in this
    canteen. Concentration of PM2.5 in the multimedia classroom reach National Primary Standard, but it is about 1.5 times of the normal
    classroom. This paper recommends Dali University to further improve ventilation environment of the student canteen, control the
    surrounding emission sources, and improve the air flow in the multimedia classroom, in order to further improve air quality.