J4 ›› 2016, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 52-54.
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Objective: To investigate healthy adult's blood cell reference intervals through the analysis of blood cell indexes. Methods: The complete blood cell of 1 926 males and 1 801 females who undertook physical examination from 2014 July to December吗at the Affiliated Hospital of Dali University were analyzed. Results: Eighteen projects of CBC were different from the national reference intervals and those from the other laboratories. Conclusions: Different areas and laboratories should individually set up reference intervals to provide accurate clinical judgment standard.
Key words: Dali City, adult, blood cells, reference interval
CLC Number:
Fan Hongping. Investigation of Healthy Adult's Blood Cell Reference Intervals in Dali City[J]. J4, 2016, 15(2): 52-54.
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