J4 ›› 2016, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (4): 50-51.

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Littoral Cell Angioma of the Spleen: A Case Report and Literature Review


  1. (Affiliated Hospital of Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China)
  • Received:2015-09-02 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2016-04-15


Objective: To investigate the clinicopathologic features and the main points of diagnosis of littoral cell angioma(LCA)of
spleen. Methods: The clinical features, radiologic findings and histopathologic changes were analyzed in a case of littoral cell angioma
of spleen. Immunohistochemical study was carried out and relevant literature were reviewed. Results: Histologically, the lesions
consisted of anastomosing ascular channels with papillary and few had cavernous appearance. And the vessels containing much of
different fibrous tissue. LCA is often studied combining with visceral cancer in foreign literature. Conclusion: LCA is a rare angiogenic
tumors from the littoral cell of spleen, whose diagnosis is on the basis of microscopic and immunohistochemical features. There is
correlation with LCA and malignancy, and it should be closely observed with long-term follow-up.

Key words: spleen, littoral cell, hemangioma, immunohistochemistry

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