J4 ›› 2016, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (10): 88-90.

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Application of PDCA Cycle in Reasonable and Effective Shortening the Average Hospitalization Days


  1. (Qujing Teaching Hospital of Dali University, Qujing, Yunnan 655000, China)
  • Received:2016-03-14 Revised:2016-05-17 Online:2016-10-15 Published:2016-10-15


Objective: To explore the application effect of PDCA cycle in reasonable and effective shortening the average
hospitalization days. Methods: A quality improvement project team was set up to introduce P(plan)D(do)C(check)A(action)
management method for the management of average hospitalization days. Results: Through data statistical analysis, it's found that the
average hospitalization days gradually reduce after using PDCA cycle theory in the management. Conclusion: PDCA cycle theory is of
great significance in the reasonable and effective shortening average hospitalization days, which is worth of promoting.

Key words: PDCA cycle, reasonable, effective, shorten the average hospitalization days

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