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Cultural Heterogeneity in Cross-cultural Exchange#br# ——On the English Versions of Excerpts from Zen Buddhist Texts and Dao De Jing#br#

Lv Yu   

  1. School of Foreign Languages, Henan University of Science and Technology
  • Received:2017-01-05 Revised:2017-03-24 Online:2017-07-15 Published:2017-07-15

Abstract: The cross-cultural exchange theory holds that in cross-cultural exchange, a translation act should retain the cultural
heterogeneity of the source language and its exotic flavor, and restore the elements lost in the translation process. As Chinese religious
classics, Excerpts from Zen Buddhist Texts and Dao De Jing have been translated into English, and through the evaluation of the
English version of Excerpts from Zen Buddhist Texts and Dao De Jing, one can analyze the cultural heterogeneity during the translation
process. and thus truthfully render Chinese culture in the cultural promotion strategy.

Key words: cross-cultural exchange, cultural heterogeneity, English version of Excerpts from Zen Buddhist Texts, English version of
Dao De Jing