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A Language Phenomenon Caused by Power Relations: Interaction among Pragmatics, Word Formation,#br# Syntax and Discourse


  1. College of Chinese Language and Literature, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003,China
  • Received:2017-06-05 Revised:2017-09-07 Online:2018-07-15 Published:2018-07-15

Abstract: Power relationship is an important pragmatic relationship in Chinese, and a series of linguistic phenomena has been
triggered by the power relationship. In terms of word formation, words with "upper(上)and higher(高)" morphemes correspond to
high-power nouns and low-power verbs; words with "down(下)and lower(低)" morphemes correspond to low-power nouns and highpower
verbs. Syntactically, the power features of verbs also have a restrictive effect on the choice of sentence patterns. For example, the
sentences with "Ba(把)", "To(对)", "Toward(向)" and subjective-object sentences are related to the characteristics of power. Formal
verbs, directional verbs, and some constructs such as "under VP of NP", "NP1 in VP of NP2", "under VP", and "over VP" are also
restricted by powerful relationships. From the point of discourse, people of lower social status often use more formal styles in the
discourses with people with power.

Key words: power relationships, pragmatics, word formation, syntax, discourse, interaction