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The War of Resistance Against the Japanese Aggression by the New Guangxi Clique

Gu Yunling   

  1. The Party School of CPC Guilin Municipal Committee, Guilin, Guangxi 541001, China
  • Received:2018-03-22 Revised:2018-11-27 Online:2019-03-15 Published:2019-03-15

Abstract: In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Guangxi was a strong province. The new cadre system, which was
painstakingly managed by the New Guangxi clique, provided a high-quality military source for the war of resistance; Li Zongren and
Bai Chongxi's active and resolute anti-Japanese war attitude promoted the overall war situation of the National Government; the New
Guangxi clique and its leaders from Guangxi province fought bravely and repeatedly made meritorious deeds, and made outstanding
contributions to safeguarding and defending the country.

Key words: anti-Japanese province, New Guangxi clique's resistance against Japan, Li Zongren, Militia