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Study on Cultural Translation in Chinese American Literature from#br# the Perspective of Translator's Behaviour

Zhang Linxi   

  1. Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430065, China
  • Received:2019-09-25 Revised:2019-11-20 Online:2020-03-15 Published:2020-03-15

Abstract: The creation of Chinese American literature is, in a way, a form of cultural translation. The unique insight of Chinese
American writers makes them the missionaries of Sino-US cultural exchanges, therefore, analyzing their translational behaviour from a
sociological perspective is of great significance. Based on practice, Bourdieu's theory is applicable to both the "intra-translation" and
"extra-translation" process. That is why discussing the universality and individuality of Chinese American writers in terms of their
"intra" and "extra" translational behaviour in changing fields and contexts will shed light on the dissemination of Chinese culture and
Chinese voice.

Key words: Chinese American literature, translator's behaviour, cultural translation