Journal of Dali University ›› 2022, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (8): 55-57.

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The Construction and Application of Formative Evaluation System in Experimental Teaching of Basic Medicine

Qin Yan Hu Yarong Su Juan Lai Mingming Liu Yunchun Yang Wenjuan   

  1. Pre-clinical College Dali University Dali Yunnan 671000 China

  • Received:2021-09-08 Revised:2021-10-07 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-09-16

Abstract:  Formative evaluation has become the major concerns of current medical education reform. During the course of experimental teaching of basic medicine, it's necessary to construct and optimize a formative evaluation index system, and put it into practice, in order to solve some problems caused by the traditional evaluation methods. Through a scientific, comprehensive and effective evaluation system, the mutual communication between teachers and students in teaching-learning process can be promoted, teaching and learning tragedies can be improved, and the quality of experimental courses can be enhanced.

Key words:  , basic medicine; experimental teaching; formative evaluation

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