J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (3): 84-89.

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Hierarchical Linear Model Analysis: English Learners' Individual Factor

The quantitative analysis of the influential factors of English study has been rare and different recently. On the basis of ierarchical linear model theory, this paper explains different levels of individual learners and distinguishes the relative influence of redictor variable on dependent variable, and finds out the major influential factors of English learning. According to this study, mong all the factors, individual factor takes 83.5%, which is the major factor that influences English learning, and class level factor akes only 16.5%. According to impact strength, the individual factors from strong to weak are English entrance score, sex, class articipation, the degree of attention paid to CET-4, and the time spent in English study.   

  1. Department of Foreign Languages, Luoding Polytechnic, Luoding, Guangdong 527200, China
  • Received:2011-01-06 Online:2011-03-01 Published:2011-03-01


The quantitative analysis of the influential factors of English study has been rare and different recently. On the basis of ierarchical linear model theory, this paper explains different levels of individual learners and distinguishes the relative influence of redictor variable on dependent variable, and finds out the major influential factors of English learning. According to this study, mong all the factors, individual factor takes 83.5%, which is the major factor that influences English learning, and class level factor akes only 16.5%. According to impact strength, the individual factors from strong to weak are English entrance score, sex, class articipation, the degree of attention paid to CET-4, and the time spent in English study.

Key words: individual factors, hierarchical linear model analysis, results, enlightenment

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