J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (9): 68-71.

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Investigation and Reflection on the Status Quo of Emergency Education for Primary and Middle School Students

By means of stratified sampling and self-made questionnaires, we chose 806 teachers and 3 339 students from 60 lementary and secondary schools in Yunnan Province as objects of our survey. The survey showed that all schools were inadequate in both emergency education teacher and education resources, with incomplete teaching content, insufficient teaching practice and emergency knowledge among primary and secondary students. The paper proposes the countermeasures to further promote the emergency education among primary and secondary students.   

  1.  Yunnan Police Office Academy, Kunming 650223, China
  • Received:2011-06-21 Online:2011-09-15 Published:2011-09-15


By means of stratified sampling and self-made questionnaires, we chose 806 teachers and 3 339 students from 60 lementary and secondary schools in Yunnan Province as objects of our survey. The survey showed that all schools were inadequate in both emergency education teacher and education resources, with incomplete teaching content, insufficient teaching practice and emergency knowledge among primary and secondary students. The paper proposes the countermeasures to further promote the emergency education among primary and secondary students.

Key words: emergency education, primary and secondary schools, Yunnan

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