J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (9): 90-92.

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On the Cultivation of the Researching and Innovative Quality among College Students from Newly-built Local Colleges

Talent cultivation in higher education necessarily requires the cultivation of college student's researching and innovative qualities. Because of some historical factors and market economy oriented educational requirements, newly built local colleges should, basing on their own characteristics and analyzing comprehensively, find out proper methods in cultivating college student's researching and innovative quality. The paper anatomizes the status quo and problems of these colleges in cultivating student's researching and innovative qualities, and then it proposes some suggestions and countermeasures and provides some references for similar colleges.   

  1. Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China
  • Received:2011-05-20 Online:2011-09-15 Published:2011-09-15


Talent cultivation in higher education necessarily requires the cultivation of college student's researching and innovative qualities. Because of some historical factors and market economy oriented educational requirements, newly built local colleges should, basing on their own characteristics and analyzing comprehensively, find out proper methods in cultivating college student's researching and innovative quality. The paper anatomizes the status quo and problems of these colleges in cultivating student's researching and innovative qualities, and then it proposes some suggestions and countermeasures and provides some references for similar colleges.

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