J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (11): 32-36.

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Evasion and Inheritance of "Baizhan Style" in Chant of Snow from the Perspective of Writing Skills

Snow chant is an important theme among all the chants of objects. XIE Huilian's Chant of Snow and the "Baizhan Style" by OUYANG Xiu and SU Shi in Song Dynasty are remarkable works in the history of snow chants. After sorting the development of snow chants, the article finds that the creativity in "Baizhan Style" lies in its inheritance of the undeveloped writing skills from Chant of Snow. By comparison, we can get an impression of writing poems in the form of chants among Song poetry.   

  1. College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China
  • Received:2011-08-26 Online:2011-11-15 Published:2011-11-15


Snow chant is an important theme among all the chants of objects. XIE Huilian's Chant of Snow and the "Baizhan Style" by OUYANG Xiu and SU Shi in Song Dynasty are remarkable works in the history of snow chants. After sorting the development of snow chants, the article finds that the creativity in "Baizhan Style" lies in its inheritance of the undeveloped writing skills from Chant of Snow. By comparison, we can get an impression of writing poems in the form of chants among Song poetry.

Key words: "Baizhan style", Chant of Snow, poetry of snow chant, writing skill

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