J4 ›› 2012, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (9): 73-75.

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Pre-operative Visit and Post-operative Return Visit in Nursing

Objective: To explore duty nurse's experience of pre-operative visit and post-operative return visit. Methods: The preoperative visit and post-operative return visit of surgical patients from January 2006 to December 2011 in our hospital were analyzed and summarized. Results: Pre-operative visit can strengthen the communication between nurses and patients and alleviate patient's mental stress; post-operative return visit could improve the understanding of the surgical effect and improve patient's recovery confidence. Conclusion: Pre-operative visit and post-operative return visit could increase the communication between nurse and patient and help to formulate better care measurements. It would be helpful to patients.   

  1. People's Hospital of Xishan District, Kunming 650100, China
  • Received:2012-05-10 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-15


Objective: To explore duty nurse's experience of pre-operative visit and post-operative return visit. Methods: The preoperative visit and post-operative return visit of surgical patients from January 2006 to December 2011 in our hospital were analyzed and summarized. Results: Pre-operative visit can strengthen the communication between nurses and patients and alleviate patient's mental stress; post-operative return visit could improve the understanding of the surgical effect and improve patient's recovery confidence. Conclusion: Pre-operative visit and post-operative return visit could increase the communication between nurse and patient and help to formulate better care measurements. It would be helpful to patients.

Key words: pre-operative visit, post-operative return visit, responsible nursing, nursing experience

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