J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 70-73.

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Exploration and Analysis of the Applied Multi-lingual Talent-Cultivation Mode


  1. 1. College of Business, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650106, China;2.Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200081, China
  • Received:2012-10-12 Revised:2012-12-19 Online:2013-02-15 Published:2013-02-15


In order to change the homogeneity of English majors and singleness of their talents cultivation, multi-lingual program is becoming one of the trends of reform. The real situation of colleges, the relevant concepts of multi-lingual program, the types of multi-lingual talents, and the characteristics of applied talents cultivation are the key points to the reform.

Key words: English majors, multi-lingual program, applied talents, talent-cultivation mode

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