J4 ›› 2010, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2): 72-73.

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Climical Observation of the Ropivacaine and Chloroprocaine Mixer Inanesthetic Toxiciey


  1. Department of Anesthesin,Zhaotong hospital of TCM,Zhaotong, Yunnan 657000,China
  • Received:2009-12-07 Online:2010-02-15 Published:2010-02-15


Objective:To observe the onset time of ropivacaine and chloroprocaine mixer,the time of achieving complete anesthetic effect and the occurrence time of anesthetic pain in the process of sacral anesthesia. Meothod:180 patients awaiting anorectal operation are divided to treatment group and control group. The former is given 20ml of ropivacaine and chloroprocaine mixer and 20ml of bupivacaine and lidocaine mixe to control group. The regression of sensation and motion is tested at 1,3,5,7,9,12,15 min after the injection respectively. The block plane regression of sensation and motion is tested every 15 min after the operation.Results:Ropivacaine and chloroprocaine mixer is found to be quicker in taking effect,lower in anesthetic toxicity,easier for the receiver to recover moving capacity and longer to regain pain after operation. Conclusion:Ropivacaine and chloroprocaine mixer
shortens the time of operation in anesthetic toxicity,inducing less discomfort and pain. Patients show stable respiration and circulation functions with no obvious unfavorable reactions afterwards.

Key words: ropivacaine, chloroprocaine, sacral anesthesia

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