J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (10): 14-18.
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At present, the information resources of local tourism scatter and become many isolated information islands, and no perfect mobile intelligent navigation system platform exists for tourists and tour guides. Aiming at addressing this issue, this paper proposes a model that builds the backend information storage and processing center by using cloud computing and takes the mobile communication network, the internet of things, the Internet as the core technologies of the front-end display terminal and user interface(UI),which supports the tourism information with high performance data processing, data mining and intelligent recommendation technology.With this model, a mobile intelligent tourism guide system can be established based on cloud computing to provide intelligent tourism services for tours and tour guides. A case analysis shows that: the proposed model has good applicability and scalability, and can help make a more efficient implementation of tourism management and monitoring.
Key words: cloud computing, tourist guide, mobile computing, intelligent information processing
CLC Number:
YANG Jian, YANG Deng-Qi, DU Ying-Guo. Mobile Intelligent Tourist Guide System Based on Cloud Computing[J]. J4, 2013, 12(10): 14-18.
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