J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (10): 81-85.
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Under the background of globalization in local college to serve the local economic development, how to develop the teaching design of architecture education curriculum based on a central issue is in the discussion. The teaching design should be based on the guidance of cultivating the talents in architecture to design the learning activities, learning motivation system, and education technology in basic education curriculum, which are good to students’quality education, professional skills and innovation ability training of diversified education. To improve the ability of teachers and students to do teaching practice in the basic education can promote the teaching reform and the learning quality and efficiency, which can improve quality of education and talents cultivation.
Key words: local colleges and universities, architecture, basic education, teaching design
CLC Number:
YANG Rong-Bin, LI Ru-Heng, HU Yong-Mao, LI Zhong-Mu. The Teaching Design of Basic Education Curriculum for College Architecture[J]. J4, 2013, 12(10): 81-85.
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